Press Release
It is with great pride that we invite the Bahamian public, regional partners, and other organizations to our The Rebirth of Pride Bahamas: Centering LGBTIQA+ People in The Bahamas’ Future”.
Pride 2020 due to the COVID 19 pandemic will be a week-long series of virtual events from October 5-12 that will privilege the lives, experiences, and lived realities of LGBTQI+ persons and citizens in The Bahamas.
Pride 2020 for our committee, and we hope it will soon be for all of you, is more than just a moment; it’s a movement, the culmination of years of advocating and energy to make The Bahamas a more accepting and inclusive space for its LGBTQI+ citizens.
For this reason, Pride 2020 has been constructed as a safe space for education and awareness for both the LGBTQI+ community and the wider Bahamas to best facilitate a much-needed dialogue on the concerns of the LGBTQI+ community.
We have sessions focused on safe sex practices, the inclusion of LGBTQI+ persons in art, media and writing, the importance of religious faith in the lives of LGBTQI+ persons, and a variety of other timely topics for discussion.
We also will not hesitate to bring to light the deep trauma faced by community members and will commemorate the LGBTQI+ lives lost over the years to various incidents of violence, neglect and hate at the hands of homophobic societal norms.
In all, Pride 2020 is a call for the wider Bahamas to recognize the rights of its LGTBQI+ community and citizens.
It is the first step in sensitizing The Bahamas to the vital role its LGBTQI+ community plays in the societal and cultural structures of The Bahamas.
Pride 2020 will make it clear that the needs and concerns of the LGBTQI+ community can no longer be pushed aside, it’s a reminder that we have a voice and will not be afraid to advocate for a more welcoming and inclusive country.