The number of people who listen to podcasts has more than doubled over the last ten years, according to Statista, with no signs of slowing down. And where there’s an audience, there’s advertising.
It’s no secret that podcasts are becoming one of the most popular channels for consumers to get information.
Looking for a way to engage with your audience and increase brand visibility? Start here with ads on Discover Music Channel by PlayMas.Today. Enjoy the perks of being on a syndicated platform with over 32 distribution outlets. Plus, reap the rewards of social media advertisements for individual shows and the overall Channel.
We offer four types of podcast ads:
- Pre-roll: an ad that gets mentioned at the beginning of a podcast.
- Mid-roll: an ad that plays in the middle of a podcast.
- Outro: the last few words of a podcast where the advertiser can slip in a final call to action.
- Offer code: a coupon code that the host gives to the audience to track conversions directly to the ad campaign. (These are often tied to a social media ad)
- Native ads: advertising that matches its delivery platform, as if it is an extension of it. ( These ads are not podcast based and can be placed across channel programming)
Podcast Advertising Stats
- The average podcast listener skews younger, more educated and more affluent than average. Because their time spent with media is distributed among various devices and digital subscriptions, podcast listeners are both a valuable, but difficult group of consumers for advertisers to reach.
- Podcasts may give advertisers an avenue in, however, as listeners are highly engaged when tuned into a podcast and usually don’t mind hearing ads. That’s because podcast ads tend to be kept to a minimum and are relevant to the program’s content, often via host-read ads. Trust and brand recall for podcast ads is also high when compared with other audio formats.
- Podcast advertising commands some of the media industry’s highest CPMs due to the medium’s desirable demographic profile and effective advertising format. The format reaches more targeted audiences than terrestrial radio while offering a higher degree of direct-response measurability.
- Still, the podcast market today attracts primarily direct-response advertisers in a select set of categories, while struggling to tap the budgets of large brand advertisers. Lack of audience scale, standardized measurement and media planning and buying infrastructure have inhibited larger brand investments thus far.
- The podcast advertising market in the US is poised for strong continued growth in listenership and ad dollars, but without meaningfully addressing current friction points, it might remain a niche advertising vehicle primarily suited to direct-response advertisers in the near and medium term.