
Carnival Concierge Listing Only


SKU: PMT-CCListingonly Category:


Add your event or band to our Festival and  Destination Event listing.

Allow our Concierge service to provide potential consumers access to your exclusive offers.

Select your offer from our listing + add $1 to the form to process.

  • Listing only $30
    • Listing on site + 1 Image
  • Listing +  $45
    • Listing on site  + 5 images
  •  Basic Support Listing  $65
    • Listing on site  +  5 images
    • 14 days social media advertising (IG only)
  • Premium  Listing $170
    • Listing on site  + 10 Max images
    • 14 days social media advertising (IG only)
    • 2 (30 second) Baked in Ads  + 2 weeks
  • Premium Plus $500
    • Listing on site  + 10 Max images
    • 28 days social media advertising (IG only)
    • 2 (30 second) Baked in Ads  + 2 weeks
    • Infomercial Mixshow (Customized set list, Product ad(s), interview[optional])
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