In our 2020 close out show, we covered topics that make #Pause4ApplausePodcast different. We kick off the great moves Coach Deion Sanders has been making at Jason State University, we think about what could be when HBCUs recruit the top athletes in the country and what HOD player should be the next coach to enter the HBCU college ranks (1:00). In #CultureForward news Knotts & Will discuss the pending purchase of Reebok by Master P and Baron Davis (16:15). Our in house engineer/super producer J Fresh brings up becoming a sneaker head and changes he’s made in 2020, including being an expecting father. This segued into one of our favorite topics of Fatherhood. A great segment you definitely want to check (22:15). **Contest announcement** for 2021 that you want to be sure to be apart of (43:00). Knotts puts in his bid an honorary degree from Clark Atlanta University (53:14). Our actual CAU graduate Joe breaks down his love story from being in the drum line of the band and meeting and courting his now girlfriend/fiance. A love story not to be missed (1:00:01). More to come…, provide feedback, lets build!